
What is history of baseball

Origins of the modern baseball activities, legends vary. The British considered to be popular in Canada, "round ball" evolved. Americans are thought to be by a. road Boolean in 1838 and was founded in New York State Library in Perth to teach. In 1845, United States of A.J. Cartwright organized baseball team and developed the first rule provides for still graphics, and the size of the venues. 1860 United States professional baseball began to emerge; 1871 United States set up a "national organization of professional baseball players" in 1876, the organization changed its name to "National Federation of baseball"; 1881 set up another nation-wide professional baseball organizations, subsequently "professional baseball Federation throughout the United States." in 1884, the first championship between the two organizations, namely, "baseball champions of the world" since once a year, continues today. May 1978 in Greece on the plenary session of the Conference of the International Olympic Committee, for the Olympic Games by baseball formal event.
In 1873, the baseball from the United States to Japan, Japan professional baseball team founded in 1934, baseball is becoming Japan people's favorite sport.
In 1938, in London, England for the first time amateur World Championship, after successive Championships held in Central and South America. Cuban 1969---1973 year even 5 champions. In 1980 in Japan at the 26th session of the World Amateur Baseball Championships, Europe, Asia, China and the 10 countries of the North American continent through the preliminaries, plus defending champion Cuba and host Japan, a total of 12 countries participate, the Cuban team after the 1976,1978 years and continue to champion.
Baseball in Europe, there are 26 countries. "European Federation of amateur baseball" member of the Italy 11. According to statistics of the Federation in 1978, athletes about 50,000 people participating in the baseball game, stadium 326, and held the "Eastern Mediterranean Cup", "World Series" international competition.
Currently, baseball is the most popular United States and Japan. Chinese Taipei, Korea, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries and Latin America is also extremely popular.
Baseball in China
The earliest records of Chinese playing baseball, Zhan tianyou, the Chinese engineers in the United States when Yale University (1877-1881) organized "Chinese baseball team" in the future from the United States, Japan returned overseas students and overseas Chinese bring baseball back to the motherland.
1 years in Beijing established the Nanking University baseball team. In 1907, the Nanking University to match the Concord Academy in Tongzhou, Beijing. This is the first baseball game at a time. Beginning in 1913, the Japanese, Filipino 3 ran a "far East games", the UN has a baseball game, China has sent teams to participate in many times. People's Republic of China prior to the establishment of national games also has a baseball game, participants to students. During the war, the eighth route army in northern Shaanxi, Shanxi-anti-Japanese base area has been carried out of baseball.
In 1952, the first baseball game in the games of the whole army of the Chinese people's Liberation Army project. In 1959, the first on the games, baseball was classified as a formal event, 23 provinces, City team for the Beijing team won the Championship. In 1975, at the third session of the National Games, baseball game in Luda held in Beijing, and the preliminaries and finals respectively, first in Tianjin. On the 1979 fourth national games, 14 provinces, City team in baseball games, champions for the Beijing team. September 1975 Japan Aichi University baseball team to visit China match, China started the International Association of baseball. In August 1976, Japan Thammasat University baseball team visit. In 1979 China Baseball Softball Association, the provinces, have been set up in the branch. In January 1980 United States amateur baseball Association representative of the United States Olympic baseball team head coach b. Aspen Dr come to China to give lectures.

