
How To Get Fashion Ideas For Women

Research revealed yesterday ,modern women draw more fashion inspiration from friends and colleagues than celebrities.
Experts who studied style and shopping habits among 2,000 women found a whopping two thirds of females have bought an item of clothing straight copy their friends’ style which they like it.Work colleagues and strangers were also more likely to influence the style and type of clothes that women wear with more admitting they decided to buy something after seeing someone else wearing something similar than because they have seen a model wearing it in a magazine.

Group Head of Press from New Look ,Peter Robinson, said: ‘’We know women nab style ideas off celebrities all the time but it seems the nation’s females should keep an eye on what their mates are up to the girl next door could be your latest style stalker.

Friends and work colleagues provided the best inspiration for women when it comes to fashion and more than half said they trusted their mates to make good recommendations with a third regularly exchanging pictures and website links to items they think look good.
Four in ten say they dress very similarly to their friends with a similar amount admitting they compare themselves and what they are wearing and feel the pressure to stay on trend.
The report also showed that women were less likely to feel comfortable copying their friends wardrobes as they got older with women under the age of 35 being much more likely to do it and confident to add an individual twist.

Northern girls were more likely to copy celebrities than anyone else throughout the country whereas Scottish girls were more inspired by stylish strangers.

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